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Everything posted by Outcognito

  1. Welcome. I hope you have a good time here.
  2. I would also recommend buying membership. The 50% exp boost is invaluable and will save you so much time. The double money bonus is also extremely helpful. Just by playing the last few days I've netted about 120k, almost enough to buy membership from another player. It pretty much pays for itself.
  3. I don't want to sound greedy, but I believe people who support the game directly by obtaining membership should have priority queue over others who do not. This system is in place for many mmorpg's with high demand for entry. Is it something in the works/ something that could be implemented? It becomes troublesome when you have to wait 20-30 minutes to get into game, and if you go to take a shower or watch a movie to pass the time, and come back too late you go afk and are kicked again. Edit: Search function wasn't working properly but I found similar posts on the matter.
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