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Swentana's Achievements



  1. Re: Pilsen Market - The BIGGEST Shiny Store in Blue <t>1m for ninetales</t>
  2. Re: HUVE's shop (Larvitar&Togepi&h.a shroomish&epic pm) <t>600k for gengar</t>
  3. 900k for each ? buy all you have
  4. wtb epic/god h.a tangrowth relaxed (regenerator) wtb breeloom h.a ada ( technican)
  5. chinchou 600k
  6. Re: wts epic Chimchar part 2 <r>1m2 <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  7. Re: WTS Talonflame h.a/implish Gligar h.a/Haxorus/Shuckle <t>gliscor 1m<br/> hoxorus 1m8</t>
  8. how much shiny gardevoid ?
  9. WTB shiny ditto contact me ingame SwenTana
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