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    Black-Rabbit #1628
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  1. Bump
  2. Closed got seller Ty
  3. I would say 250k ech regions. Ty
  4. *Region need to complete ;hoenn an sinnoh full *Wll provide: land and surf mount/_/100 super repel/_/,100 lemonade/_/100lvl poke to speed run U can keep the poke u catch while doing story even its shiny,perfect evs nature ability , *Dont do bosses ,pvp even if u have 6 100lvl pokemons. *story shold be finished in gold server *While story must do teleport quest *wll pay u from any server u want *Dm ur id card to me if u agree *Max time 1 week U can pm me ing: arjunrai Or discord :darkempire #1628
  5. In my gold server i start auction and guy named DEAN93 and SLEEPYPIG come to offfor lvl 100 slaking DEAN93 offer 200k first and then SLEEPYPIG offer 525k then again DEAN93 increase his bid up to 575k when time ends he say he dont need poke he dont want buy plz arrest him for fake offerer . ARJUNRAI..
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