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Everything posted by Itzronin

  1. I'm at college right now so after 4-5 hrs Lemme know whenever we can meet.... Same discord Edit:- Sold @150k to ekitten22
  2. Sold to ekitten22 @300k with massive discount of 100k....idk why
  3. Hii Sry for late Was in hospital. I'll be available from now on just lemme know whenever we can trade discord:- itzvik Edit:- Sold @200k to Bhimoso Edit :- Sold @130k to da3bizzle
  4. Sry for the late.... Lemme know whenever you can do the trade 28 Def/ 21 Hp/ 31 SpDef Clefable 150k one right? Or you can just discord me - itzvik
  5. Hello guys... The timers has hit zero and we got our winners. AT 1st Position - @Kartikssg8 With 8 Likes and 2nd Position - @Maitrepoulpe With 8 Likes Congratualtions !!!! to both of you. Dm me here or in DIscord - itzvik whenever you can receive your prizes
  6. Heyyaa everyone, I'm back with another giveaway. This time the item will be an Exp Boost GIVEAWAY- -1st Prize- -Runner Up- ONÉ-STOP POKÉSHOP discount Coupon worth 40K -Time -1 Week from now on. To participate in this event you have to just comment down your favorite game and ask your mates to like your comment. The contestant with the most no. of likes will be announced winner. Edit:- Now now, I got that you like PRO very much, so just comment games other than PRO (btw whoever comment PRo earlier you're still in so don't worry). NOTE:- In case of tie, the first to comment will be the choosen one. Thank you, have fun cyaa!
  7. Pinged you in discord... Edit:- Sold at negotiated price @140
  8. Can't even imagine how much effort you put into these guides... Much appreciated Great work once again Bhimu ^-^ Thank you!
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