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Everything posted by Nhoztu1005

  1. Hi admin. I have a problem. When i talk to Old Lady, i can't talk to her. And my PROClient is lag, i can't move or do anything. Help me!!!!
  2. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/486917686782066704/600219670431399946/unknown.png Please, help me. I dont know to do next. I have done all quest but the Scientist Alexander dont give to me gs ball. So i cant catch celebi. Help!!!
  3. I wanna buy Evolution services. Pm me: - Discord: nhoztu1005. - IG: nhoztu1005. Thank for reading.
  4. PM me. My discord is @Nhoztu1005#7512
  5. Can i get Arcanine 250k? My discord is @Nhoztu1005#7512.
  6. i wanna buy 180k Nidoking. Have?
  7. Current Name: trongtandaniel Change into: Nhoztu1005 Payment Server of Choice: Silver
  8. ok ingame or discord?
  9. Darmanitan start
  10. 1 reroll ticker
  11. this service is good? how do i ask and give my pokemon for train?
  12. Looking for lotad epic god modest ss
  13. Ninetales shiny h.a fail iv nature mild 12m @@ my ninetales better than so it was not cheap i think if i dont have any bid i will build it with my sun team <3
  14. oh 1m too low beacause my friend want to buy it 10m
  15. Your topic was moved to the proper location. hey cant you close this post i have another post here :confused:
  16. i love this pokemon so i dont want to sell it just star higher price and if anyone want it i will sold :Grin:
  17. Wts Shiny Ninetales H.a Timid For Sun Team Star Bid:30m Time bidding:1 week So Let Bid This Shiny For Your Sun Team Good Luck :Angel:
  18. Ah my mistake thanks for your suggestion
  19. Wts Shiny Ninetales H.a Timid For Sun Team Star Bid:50m Time bidding:1 week So Let Bid This Shiny For Your Sun Team Good Luck :Angel:
  20. If you have goomy relax sap sipper epic show me
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