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  1. The ironic thing is that the possibility of this happening is smaller than findin 2 shinies back to back
  2. I encountered an Xmas Axew with Rivalry (I checked it with trace) in the Evergreen Island Crystal Cave, threw a great ball at it, made it sleep once with my kirlia and then charmed it to lower attack and the I got disconnected from the server because it crashed some minutess ago, is there anything I can do to bring it back or something?
  3. Thanks, have a great day
  4. I saw in the wiki that Cute Charm won't do anything in battle but is it coded outside of battle, referring to the 66.6% of spawning a poke with the opposite gender to mine? And if it works, is it possible to do something to make both a poke with cute charm and a poke with sync work at the same time (example:jiglypuff with cute charm fainted in first slot, natu with sync alive in second slot)?
  5. I have a teal jet ski and I saw a tweet and a thread talking about an Officer Worker NPC in Saffron Station that can buy a jet ski in exchange for a Coin Capsule. Is it possible to trade a teal jet ski for a coin capsule in-game or am I stuck with the jet ski?
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