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Everything posted by Thanhdatdtddat5

  1. i need 1 dratini or dragonair h.a inpish ada and ms 210k/each pm i ingame or commnet
  2. Re: WTS epic staryu <r><QUOTE author="newplayer92"><s> </e></QUOTE> if u offer insta good i sell u</r>
  3. Re: WTS epic staryu <r><E>:Grin:</E> zz</r>
  4. Re: WTS epic staryu <r><E>:Grin:</E></r>
  5. Rules: Rules: - I can refuse any of the offers. If I think it's worth, i won't take it. - I may accept other pokemons or items in trade. - Accept ms = 170k/1 and candy 11k/1 - Offer me here or in PM
  6. Rules: - I can refuse any of the offers. If I think it's worth, i won't take it. - I may accept other pokemons or items in trade. - Accept ms = 200k/1 and candy 12k/1 - Offer me here or in PM
  7. Re: Trigga's Treasures (update 3-5) <t>120k for vaporeon</t>
  8. Re: Thanhdatdtddat5's Shop - Shinny- Pokemon - Lvl 100 Epic <t>Sold berehoom -togekisss -dragonite- honchknow -shinny dodou -snorlax -onix -chansey -flareon</t>
  9. Re: WTS pokemon epic +lv 100 + shinny <t>Sold berehoom togekisss dragonite honchknow shinny dodou snorlax onix chansey flareon</t>
  10. wts 250k for Honchkrow pm ingame :thanhdatdtddat5
  11. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>180k for bronzong</t>
  12. Re: Thanhdatdtddat5's Shop - Shinny- Pokemon - Lvl 100 Epic <t>Sold Onix</t>
  13. Re: WTS pokemon epic +lv 100 + shinny <r>SOld Onix <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. Re: Thanhdatdtddat5's Shop - Shinny- Pokemon - Lvl 100 Epic <r>Sold Flareon <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  15. Re: WTS pokemon epic +lv 100 + shinny <r>Sold Flareon <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  16. Rules I can refuse any of the offers. If I think it's worth, i won't take it I may accept other pokemons or items in trade. Accept trade =ms or rarecandy Offer me here or in PM lv 100 Good IV Pokemon Good Shinny Sold Sold berehoom togekisss dragonite honchknow shinny dodou snorlax onix chansey flareon if someone bought pm me ingame: thanhdatdtddat5 or comment Thank
  17. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>how much talon and bronzong and starmie</t>
  18. Welcome: Thanhdatdtddat5's Shop - Shinny- Pokemon - Lvl 100s Good :Grin: :Grin: :Grin: Rules I can refuse any of the offers. If I think it's worth, i won't take it I may accept other pokemons or items in trade. Accept trade =ms or rarecandy Offer me here or in PM lv 100 Good IV Pokemon Good Shinny Sold Sold berehoom -togekisss -dragonite- honchknow -shinny dodou -snorlax -onix -chansey -flareon if someone bought pm me ingame: thanhdatdtddat5 or comment Thank
  19. howmuch azurill lv11 ada and ferroseed and riolu pm me in game thanhdatdtddat5
  20. i buy skamory ingame thanhdatdtddat5
  21. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? 470h<br/> 2. Why should we accept you into the guild? I wants finds some happy when i play game =))<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord? Yes<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily? Yes<br/> My ingame: thanhdatdtddat5 SVblue</t>
  22. start 200k and insta 500k
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