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Everything posted by Siuding0915

  1. well, i have tried used 200+ repel only spawn one Zzzzz
  2. I know it was only obtainable during halloween event, but i want to ask is how can i transform it back to default darkrai
  3. As my darkrai is now halloween form, can i transform it to default form now, or i need to wait till next halloween event?
  4. WTB any alolan diglett please offer with pokemon status:SnivyBad:
  5. I have caught around 20 fletchling on route225 with black membership, but i have not even encounter a hidden ability. Although I know you may only say that the probability problem, I just wanna know is there any error on black membership settings. Thanks a lot:EasterBulba:
  6. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Siuding0915 2. Number of hours played? almost 593hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Satoshi's Gekkouga <333333 4. How old are you? 17 years old 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 15 Sep
  7. Lillipup,Purrloin,Solosis,Karrablast,Honedge,Phantump,Pumpkaboo 7k each Zorua,Tyrunt,Amaura 15k each if you sell all of these, total 100k
  8. Is that the Boss at sevii island two removed? I can't enter the house like this.
  9. Want to ask for the approximate price of this poke, it seem like epic, but i dont know the approximate price, hope someone can give me some suggestion :Grin: :Shy:
  10. I have give 16 spatk ev berries to my pokemon, then i see that spatk ev become 0 , then i logout the game to do other things, when i login again the game, my pokemon spatk ev back to 151 and my spatk berries is disappear. how can i solve that?? :Angry:
  11. when will you online?
  12. delphox 150k
  13. Re: (update rare good timburr and scyther) Selling decent/epic/godly iv pkms with full ev trained and lv 90+ <t>sorry wrong server</t>
  14. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>IGN: Siuding0915<br/> Pokemon: Chansey<br/> EV train: 252HP<br/> Move keep: no need<br/> Rush order: yes<br/> <br/> Current Level: 34<br/> Final Level: 60<br/> Evolve at level: no need to evolve<br/> Move keep: no need</t>
  15. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi you pm direct member who do egg move in game as I listed the name member can access egg move in first post <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> ok thank you so much</r>
  16. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>If i want to have the egg move service, what should i reply in this post?</t>
  17. I have beat Red, is there have other Requirement to go to Trainers Valley?
  18. Re: HorrorKid91 Shop Kanto/Johto [New PvP-Poke] <t>6th gallade 400 k</t>
  19. When my kirlia can evolve to gardevoir, i choose dont evolve but it also evolve to gardevoir, how can i fix that??????
  20. Its is not fair, only arcanine and Lapras Mount can tradeto other player
  21. WTB Chimchar at least all 15+ nature and ability all is ok plz offer and po the information of it ,thx very much
  22. I play red server since last year September, but now red server usually down server but blue seldom, should I play blue server ?
  23. I want to buy a good froakie with all 10+ and have 3 about 20iv comment with offer i will pay well
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