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Everything posted by Cytex

  1. Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay.
  2. Welcome to the forum Nexiii. Also holy crap 1k+ of anime completed ._.
  3. I'm okay with both, I only tend to watch subbed for newer stuff, I prefer watching dubbed for much older stuff (1990-2005). Unless the dub is complete garbage then I will watch it subbed.
  4. Welcome to Pro deception enjoy your stay!
  5. Welcome to Pro Crousser! Enjoy your stay.
  6. Its really awesome to see all the older folks still enjoying pokemon.
  7. Welcome to the community Val, I hope your enjoy your stay =]
  8. When the server crashes usually no one knows when its going back up.
  9. oh man Wolfs Rain...that's my childhood right there, I haven't watched it since I was a kid. How does it hold up after all these years? Currently watching: Dragonball Super Ushio to Tora Arslan Senki I'm also trying to finish a bunch of stuff from summer season. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Charlotte Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan Rokka no Yuusha Gate God Eater
  10. Welcome to Pro enjoy your stay!
  11. Is Venusaur your only pokemon? Tell us what your full team is, and try catching a magnemite with sturdy and paralyze mewtwo with it. It will make the battle so much easier.
  12. Grown men arguing on a pokemon forum. What a time to be alive. Also I kinda regret not going Pikachu, had I known this from the start I would have picked it.
  13. Mainly electronic music, but I like other genres of music as well (rock, hip-hop, pop). [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  14. I've been playing for over a week now and I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Alex I am currently 22 years old - I enjoy video games, movies (I love horror movies!), Anime, Basketball, and music (Mostly electronic music). So far the community has been really nice and helpful. Pro is also easily the best Pokemon mmo I've played, I'm really happy for the success its having.I'm really active on the IRC, so you will most likely see me there a lot.
  15. Easily Ushio to Tora, I haven't watched many for the summer season though. I'm pretty behind on anime this season, I will probably try finishing up a lot of them before the month ends.
  16. I gave up watching the anime a long time ago, the amount of fillers Naruto has had is ridiculous. The anime should've finished months ago.
  17. get rekt
  18. I hate to be THAT guy but Avatar and Korra are not anime.
  19. Grey's Anatomy and Fear The Walking dead, are the shows I am currently watching atm. Once I finish grey's I might pickup Arrow again.
  20. There's the IRC chat and TS as well: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2655
  21. Congratz dude. :y: Sabrina took me about 10-15 tries or so, it felt so good after finally beating her.
  22. dude that movie was fantastic and the ending my deep feels came out =;[ Bad Santa is a movie I never grow tired of watching. My brother and I usually watch it once every year around December.
  23. Hajime no Ippo, Clannad, Akira, Initial D, Toradora are some of my favorites. Recently (more like a few months ago) I watched Usagi Drop and became instantly one of my favorite anime.
  24. Just turned 22 last month.
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