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  1. Sry @Rokanguro The auction started at 4:10 pm gmt+2 and you bided in 4:30 pm @Fercholarga is the winner dm me in game if I’m not answering pls dm me in my discord : Hamusi
  2. Start Offer : 50k Min Bid : 50k Insta : 4m Duration : 48 hours after the first bid. . If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Accepted payments : Reroll Ticket : 500k each. Nature Reroll : 275k each. Coin Capsule : 400k each. Pokedollars.
  3. @Tixauximap01congrats can you pls message me here/ in game to come collect your reward
  4. the start of the auction is 1m and someone started the minimum you can raise is 50k so the min you can bid is 1m and 50k not less
  5. Start Offer : 1m Min Bid : 50k Insta : 7m Duration : 72 hours after the first bid. . If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Accepted payments : Reroll Ticket : 550k each. Nature Reroll : 275k each. Coin Capsule : 450k each. Pokedollars.
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