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Everything posted by Daicamax

  1. Unfortunately you will have to get online at the same time as a content scripter or an admin to fix it now. I won't be adding back the option to reset the quest from the game again because way too many players were complaining about it. The next problem now is that it's hard for the few scripters and admin to be online and cover each other. I am willing to do my best to get online at a specified time of your choice this weekend. So please let me know at what time you will likely be online this weekend if you want me to fix it for you (time with the timezone would be appreciated). Unfortunately you will have to get online at the same time as a content scripter or an admin to fix it now. I won't be adding back the option to reset the quest from the game again because way too many players were complaining about it. The next problem now is that it's hard for the few scripters and admin to be online and cover each other. I am willing to do my best to get online at a specified time of your choice this weekend. So please let me know at what time you will likely be online this weekend if you want me to fix it for you (time with the timezone would be appreciated). thank you very much , I often onlione everyday at :21:00 PM - 1:30 AM , (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta , (time with the timezone) or let me know when you appear more , I will be in New maullie for you there , Without any more I will send you account to fix bugs, good night, I'm working , hehehe
  2. RIP my quest teleport hoenn , still not see watson in new mauville
  3. The 'anti-reset' features have been removed for about 3 weeks now. You'll have to redo the quest. The 'anti-reset' features have been removed for about 3 weeks now. You'll have to redo the quest. tks ,I could not get the quest because not see npc watson in new mauville, I finished the quest tele ago , pl help me , reset the quest tele again
  4. I have finished Hoenn for a longgg time, completed quest teleport hoen and now when i get to New Mauville for the boss, i found out that the NPCs in the storyline here have reseted. Although they suppose to disappear after defeated. , come in and not see watson , pl fix bug quest tele hoenn
  5. pl help me server: blue my name ingame: daicamax I can't teleport in Hoenn anymore I have finished Hoenn for a longgg time, and now when i get to New Mauville for the boss, i found out that the NPCs in the storyline here have reseted. Although they suppose to disappear after defeated. , come in newmauvill and not see watson
  6. yes , Wattson in New Mauville Stuck , @@ , i can not progress the quest. , fixed now pl
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