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Everything posted by Pokidex

  1. All Hail lord raika , the astredrella Conqueror.
  2. cant access game now due to android client issue . am going on a trip in 1 hr . if i didnt come online mods can force trade . right?
  3. You can do better than this cripsta (Mr.Ai) . You deserves better . GL hope you Grind Hard Wherever you go.
  4. (Silver Server) if any Top 10 Guild Recruiting , Here I am available. Ign-Pokidex Like To play alot Ranked Pvp . You can look at my profile for other Things. Requirements: The guild must be in Top 10. No toxic Leader Must have pvp Players. Feel free invite if your guild meet these requirements.
  5. @Yellow but i made the 70k bid first, that means the other guy bid is not valid .. how can he win?
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