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Posts posted by Blue

  1. It just blew my mind that i have been here for almost 2 weeks now, but i never really introduced myself!


    So i'm going to say Hello to everyone, my name is Blue and i'm looking forward to meeting all of you, add me ingame if you have any questions :)

    I joined PRO when i saw someones first looks of the game on Youtube and after that, ive never been more excited for a release !

    My main objective on PRO is playing the game with all of you while helping other players, supporting the server with some $ and helping the playerrate grow.


    See Ya Ing!


    - Blue

  2. Notice "Accsess" Which means if you were not member, you couldnt buy/wear it, but now you can. But you don't get it for free, you need to buy it ingame. And i believe everyone is supposed to have 300coins, unless you already spent them.

    Correct me if i'm wrong.

  3. It'd be useful if staff where able to monitor what happens at most to if not all times. The reason being is we try to hold a stict PG-13 policy. Now if we informed the users of a maturity rating on the TS, then it wouldn't be an issue, but the fact is kids would still enter and adults/teens will cuss or get drunk and do stupid things.


    Yes this is true, BUT most TS3 servers are never in the lobby, but in locked rooms in the server, that you will need a PW to enter.

  4. I'm pretty confident alot of you aswell as myself want an Official TS3 server for PRO.

    If this is possible then i would for sure be very happy, because it will make it easier for Guilds to communicate or just discuss the game without actually typing.

    Looking forward to feedback.


    Do YOU agree with me or disagree? In that case, why?


    - Blue

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