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  1. When using the move Flare Blitz on my Arcanine, he takes recoil damage twice. First, he takes it when the move goes off, and then he takes it again when the words "Arcanine takes recoil damage" pop up. Here is a small .gif of what I mean. https://gyazo.com/4eed960af94e306b0cacd24335703372 And as a side note, I opened up the stat page for Arcanine during a battle to make sure this wasn't just a visual glitch, and his hp does indeed drop two times throughout the use of the move.
  2. Yes, but it takes time, effort and resources..so be patient. I wasn't saying it didn't. Honestly, I don't know how long this game has been out. I only started a few days ago, and I just wanted to know if there were plans to increase the max player count. ^^
  3. I'm wondering if there are any plans to increase the maximum player count within the servers? It seems to me that every time I go to log in, I have to wait for a 500+ queue before I can get in. :Sleeping:
  4. Well, I'm waiting for Blue server, so I guess this gives me something to do. :P My favorite pokemon is Blaziken, but I wish his stats were as good as the 4th gen counterpart. :Nervous:
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