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  1. Amoongus h.a/hp fire Starting offer: 400k Min bid: 50k Insta: not yet Auction ends 6h after first offer
  2. 5h Auction after first offer Start 200k Min bid : 50k No insta yet
  3. Auction b.o 200k Ic3thirst// min bid 50k// insta 550k// 25m left
  4. Hello I play on Silver server, and today i was trying to evolve me gligar and asked help for Frshavocadoo, we finished the trade but he didn't unlocked the johto region yet so the pokemon becomes locked, i really need this gligar because i'll use him in my pvp team. I couldn't take a screenshot of the gligar, but the boy sent me the id. Gligar ID: 43404582
  5. Wts semi-epic conkeldurr, offers <3
  6. Wtb: -> Bisharp 20+ ata 28+ defiant -> Gliscor 20+ h.a careful -> Weavile 31speed 28ata 20+rest pm me, comment here or discord: Hercs#8481
  7. My discord is: Hercs#8481
  8. Hy guys, i'm wanting to buy good prankster calm/careful/sassy Whimsicott :3
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