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  1. i completed transport quest at hoenn 1-2 months ago. But now, when the new mauville fixed, if i wanna beat boss lt.surge, t need to talk with watson, and the quest will be reset. Now, i cant use transport anymore, please fix this bug soon because this quest too hard to complete.
  2. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <r>i think black sludge and soothe bell can find by dig cracks <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  3. gligar at shiny rock
  4. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/FajMtwu.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/L1O7l6T.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> goodbye my trecko <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  5. move tutor dark pulse
  6. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yPBhBqH.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> i already to catch jr mime, and jr mime is tier 3 or 4, but yesterday and today, i only got pokemon at tier 1 and NPC called me "almost a graduated". I think my doctor exp reset.</r>
  7. PRO Username: duongleo11 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? i can log in at 13h30 (+7 GMT), but now 17h (+7 GMT) i can't log in to play game. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message No one know my account, but now, someone's logging in my account and i can't log in to play game, please check my account. Hope i can log in soon. Sorry for my english so bad.
  8. i found 1 at the pillow
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [uPDATED GINGERY JONES QUEST and XHAJ LOCATION !!] <t>boss OLD LADY JANICE gave me marill for reward</t>
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