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  1. Hey, Apologize in advance for spelling mistakes and if you dont wanna read the whole thing, the question is at the bottem! So I made a stupid mistake on a beautiful rainy thursday night. I completed most story lines on the silver server and so wanted to progress to sinnoh on the gold server. In silver I chose Chimchar and had a blast, happy days. Scratched a few pokemon at the start, close combated my way through the E4. I could hear people clapping outside for him. Now comes the problem, ofcourse I wasn't going to disrepect my silver Chimchar's legacy by picking him in the gold server as well. Would honestly feel worse that cheating and even though its just a code and some pixels, I truly feel that my Chimchars feelings would be hurt. So i'm looking at the green Bulba wanna-be Turtig and the softer version of Squirtle, Piplup. Flashbacks to 'nam and I cant make a choice. Who should I safe from begin forever stuck in purgatory which is the professors pokebal never begin let out again. Who would I gift the gift of life? After having an existential crisis for about 1 min I decided i'm going with piplup because his name sounds like you're blowing bubbles and it was raining outside so I thought might as well give the weather a shout-out. WELL I F***ED UP BIG TIME AND ACCIDENTALY CHOSE CHIMCHAR. I CLICKED TOO FAST WITHOUT READING THINKING IT WAS PIPLUP AND NOW CHIMCHAR IS MY STARTER. Im beyond fustrated, let down in myself and sad. That feeling you get when you accidently buy sparkeling ice tea but you wanted flat and now you might as well throw it away. My extremely petty question is, is there any chance that a game master or admin could switch my Chimchar for a piplup? I'd even take turtwig because I just can't look the Chimchar in the eyes without hating it and thinking of my past lover- Chimchar* thanks for reading
  2. Ill just release the dead weight then :) Thanks Maisa!!
  3. Hey! My question is, what is an easy way to organize the pokebox's? Can I release all the pokemon which I dont use or do they then get "deleted" and dont count anymore for quests and when asking prof oak how many I caught. Thanks in advance for the help! Kind Regards, 6peanuts
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