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  1. 1. jibison95 2.PrimalMaelstrom@7815 3. a couple hundred separated through 4 accounts 4,24 5.Lucario 6. Ive been playing pokemon for around 8 years and pro for about 2 years. My goal is to make a living dex out of the pokemon we can catch and create pvp teams and sell them
  2. 1.Lucario 2. will be attached 3.to collect a living dex 4. a lot of time i guess 5. yes, all the time 6. ill be in chat if the guild needs me but ill be more active in discord and in game 7.i will participate in guild events if i can you can contact me at PrimalMaelstrom#7815
  3. Jibison95

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1.Whats your player name? jibison95 2.Numbers of hours played? hard to tell ive had multiple accounts 3.Whats you favorite pokemon? lucario( would wipe entire teams with just him on the ds) 4.How old are you? 24
  4. 1. jibison95 2.Lucario (used to do team wipes with him and speed boost blazekin on the ds) 3.to have a usable pvp team and do okay 4.Cant remember ive had at least 4 different accounts since then 5.24 6.Not in this game becuase some of the moves arent coded right my discord is PrimalMaelstrom#7815
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