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Oshadowo last won the day on July 9 2022

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  1. auction ended congratz for winners contact me via discord or send msg via fourm @Rajkkapadia careful gliscor 2.3m @Q25 modest alakazam 1m @Mavuika adamant medicham 2.2m @Ssolo hippo + muk 3m + 1m @Gesb jolly gliscor 2.1m
  2. careful gliscor already finished jolly around 4 hours left
  3. sableye careful and cloyster sold in game
  4. which one plz ?
  5. i am gonna sell some good pokes the price beside each picture accept cc as 400k , cash money rr: 500k prefer to take ss of the poke that you want to buy to easy pick it swampert pvp ready 1.5m ferrothorn sassy 900k ditto max hp 800k kommo 1.2m chansey 800k charizard 3m venusaur 3m (hp fire) clefable h.a 1m chansey 300k shiny crobat 400k weavile jolly max spd 800k salamence moxie jolly 1.2m dugtrio jolly arena trap 400k volcarona hp ice 1.4m tangrowth 600k hp ice ninetales alolan 700k gyarados adamant 1.5m gardevoir 400k pikachu 150k bisharp 6m serperior h.a hp fire offer clefable h.a 500k salamnce 800k slowbro 600k quagsire 1m sableye 1.4m | kommo 700k rotom 800k skarmoray 1.2m slowbro 1.2m ribombee 900k garchomp 400k ttar 500k doublade 800k greninja fire 2m garchomp 2.5m crawdaunt 3m amoonguss 500k volcarona hp ground 2m max spd torkal 600k scizor sassy light metal 1.4m nidoking 1.8m alakazam max spd hp ground 2m alolan muk 600k hippo careful 2m pinsir max spd 2m gastordon 700k kingdra 500k
  6. jolly gliscor 1.6m careful gliscor 2.3m
  7. please check the bid again i guess you mistaken ^^
  8. hi i am gonna sell some of my epic mons it will be as auction min bid will be 100k for each poke no insta accept cc as 400k and money each auction will be 36 hours from start - mik-alolan s.o 1m - gliscor jolly s.o 1.5m - gliscor careful s.o 2m - alkazam modes h.a hp ground s.o 1m -hippodown impish sand stream s.o 2m -medicham 31 31 s.o 2m good luck everyone
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