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Everything posted by Legendbropp

  1. Hi , Yes! it worked , I changed the Format to English (United states) which was set to English (India).Thankfully that fixed the problem. Thank you for the help. Legendbropp.
  2. IT CURRENTLY LOOKS LIKE THIS , and I've changed the format to dollar however there is still no change in the client. I'm using windows 10
  3. Apparently my money is in Indian currency formal , but I would like to change it to American currency "dollar" format. Currently it looks like this. What should I change or do to make it look like 1,909,852 Legendbropp.
  4. Why are you not replaying on discord? i wtb the ferro
  5. AUCTION S.O : 300K | 24 HOURS AFTER THE FIRST OFFER MIN BID : 100K No insta No extra payments
  6. Wts , S.o 500k , No insta , Min raise 100k , Auction ends 24 hours after s.o is met
  7. Wts , S.o 500k , No insta , Min raise 100k , Auction ends 24 hours after s.o is met
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