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Everything posted by Killowag

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>just follow the map to how to get the lost pokemon in the viridian maze guide until u see Erika name in red that what I did sry but don't know how to put a pic here if someone explain I will because I took one</t>
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>yea she is a boss gave me a ferroseed and she had <br/> ferrothorn vileplume volcarona shiftry ludicolo and virizion in that order all lvl 120 of course will try to get a screen shot</t>
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>i found maybe a boss in viridian maze Erika someone go check it out because I am with my noob character</t>
  4. hey I would like you to lvl up my magneton and excadrill lvls 95 and 95 to lvl 99 let me know if u can do it
  5. Re: Kxrizmuh's EV/ Level Training Daycare (BACK IN BUSINESS) <t>IGN: killowag<br/> Pokémon: excadrill<br/> current lvl: 95<br/> final lvl: 99<br/> ev training: no <br/> moves to keep: all<br/> rush order: no<br/> <br/> IGN:killowag<br/> Poekemon: magneton<br/> current lvl: 96<br/> final lvl: 99<br/> ev training: no<br/> Moves to keep: all<br/> rush order: no <br/> <br/> let me know when you can pick them up</t>
  6. hey I got two pokemons I want you to train for me a lvl 95 excadrill and lvl 96 magneton both to lvl 99 let me know if you can do it
  7. IGN: killowag Pokémon: magneton current lvl: 95 final lvl: 99 evolve: no moves to keep: all ev train: no rush order: no
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS BRUNO, OAK !!] <t>i got a lotad from pumpking king</t>
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS Youngster Joey !!] <t>i just beet the pumpking king and he gave me a shiny stone (the second time I beat him)</t>
  10. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <t>IGN: killowag<br/> pokemon: skorupi<br/> current level: 95<br/> final level: 99<br/> shall we evolve for you: no<br/> shall we EV train for you: no<br/> rush order: no<br/> moves to keep: all</t>
  11. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>I was in game and a gm told me that the requirement is not the johto dex but he wouldn't agree to tell me what is and said I gotta find on my own but at least I know its not johto dex</t>
  12. so I got the item upgrade to evolve porygon and I would like to sell it leave ur price and I will return to u if interested :thanks:
  13. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil Quest Guide (Celebi Quest Part 1) <t>i went to where u said with the surf and spinarak but there is no one in the room and it just reject me if i try to go to the ladder anyone know why?</t>
  14. Re: *NOT TAKING ORDERS* Trollrah, Dizzi, & Surix's Super Fast Daycare + EV Training!! <r>IGN: killowag<br/> pokemon: ralts<br/> current level: 96<br/> final level: 99<br/> shall we evolve it for you: no<br/> shall we EV train for you: no<br/> rush order: no <br/> move to keep: all<br/> Trollrah accepted my request in game so I just need to know how much to pay her <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  15. so I got a porygon with the item upgrade but got no idea how much does upgrade worth can anyone tell me? :thanks:
  16. you said train "her", so i thought it's a female ralts. for male ralts counts the same despite route 5/6 on night train at day, defeating pidgey and pidgeottos for speed and bellsprout for atk ev. Also good atk ev spot is route 30 surfing (only krabby,poliwag/poliwhirl(morning and night) and magikarps). after that you also should be around lvl 25ish (if not train around the mt mortar area of johto or the routes between lavander and fuchsia). yea sry after I posted it I noticed I said she and not he. and thx a lot for the info :D :thanks:
  17. I'd train the ev's first at night on route 5/6 (abra, meowth, oddish, gloom) or illex forest sp.atk and speed (if you want it to be pvp), if you do so it should be around lvl 25-30. I'd recommend surfing on spots where tentacool are (like route 41 tentacool/tentacruel are around lvl 30), if you reached lvl 50-> dragons den golbat (psychic very effective against poison pokes so it should be easy). If you have dragons den b1f (golbats lvl 50) go there or to Ceruleans cave (if you unlocked this locations) thx a lot on the info but its a male so aint going to work on sp atk XD but thx anyway :thanks:
  18. I asked where can I lvl since my ralts only lvl 16 I know where to lvl for higher lvles I meant for a lvl 16 ralts where should I train
  19. hello so I got a lvl 16 ralts I want to lvl up but go no idea where can I train her Farley quickly can anyone name places I can train it in :thanks:
  20. Re: Dizzi & Surix's Super Fast Daycare + EV Training!! *Not Taking New Orders For Now* <r><QUOTE author="SuriX"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Yes but we have so many orders it may take longer than we usually take to finish your order, depending on what it is<e> </e></QUOTE> hey I made an order already and u didn't said if u accept it or not I don't mind really if it take sometime to train my pokemon just let me know what should I do I mean add u in game or something <E>:thanks:</E> (my order in page 4)</r>
  21. Re: Dizzi & Surix's Super Fast Daycare + EV Training!! *Not Taking New Orders For Now* <t>IGN: killowag<br/> pokemon: scyther<br/> current level: 96<br/> final level: 100<br/> shall we evolve it for you: no<br/> shall we ev train for you: no<br/> rush order: no<br/> what moves: he doesn't learn anything anymore <br/> <br/> IGN: killowag<br/> pokemon: gliscor<br/> current level: 97<br/> final level: 100<br/> shall we evolve it for you: no<br/> shall we ev train for you : no<br/> rush order: no<br/> what moves: he doesn't learn anything anymore</t>
  22. so I want to challenge red and to do this u need to beat the karate master in mt silver but I got no idea where he is is there a guide how to get to him or can anyone pls tell me :thanks:
  23. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Canyon Entrance !!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Island 7 ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> do u need membership to get to island 7? <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  24. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Canyon Entrance !!] ✰ <r>next to what route is the canyon entrance <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  25. yea that's my plan get phantump to 100 then trade to trevenant but he get only 1 grass type move which is wood hammer now I wanted to teach him seed bomb by tutor but its 12k to teach him and the tutor in safari zone so its another 5k so idk if I want to put 17k only on one move that why I ask if there is any good like grass tm or tutor beside solar beam and seed bomb in game
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