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Everything posted by Killowag

  1. yea but the thing is trevenant learn shadow claw by lvl up but I don't know if he get this move by lvl up in this game
  2. so I am currently training a phantump to lvl 100 and the 4 moves he got is will o wisp leach seed astonish and wood hammer so I would like to know if there is any nice grass/ghost move phantump or Trevenant can learn by move tutor tm or anything since by the pokedex phantump doesn't learn any other moves by lvl up (that are usefull) don't know about trevenant though :thanks:
  3. thx a lot for all the information :D :D :D :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  4. so after I have finished both kanto and johto e4 I have decided to do the boses in game which required lvl 100 team so my question is how can I lvl a low lvl pokemon Farley fast since I got most of the pokemon I wanted and most of them like lvl 20 so if there is any way to lvl a low lvl pokemon to a 100 lvl Farley fast I would love to hear how :D :thanks:
  5. so something really weird happened since I just loged in and now I do see the headbutt emote on trees but my maps didn't download still so I have no idea why I didn't saw that emote before but thx a lot for the help!!!!! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  6. PRO Username: killowag Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? just played the game What have you already tried to solve the problem? redownload client press f2 and type clearmaps then restart game run as adminastor Description and Message my maps just wont download and as a result I can't headbutt trees I have no Idea what to do pls help me
  7. PRO Username: killowag Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? just played the game What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to redownload the game run it as adimnastor (not sure if I am writing this right) press f2 and type clearmaps then restart nothing worked Description and Message my maps just wont download and because they wont download I can't headbutt trees :Frown: I have no idea what to do pls help me!!!
  8. nope didn't switch played only on pc
  9. PRO Username: killowag Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? 3 days ago I headbutt the trees and saw the sleep emote on them but 3 days later (didn't played for 3 days so its been 24 hours) i don't see the trees and my maps wont download What have you already tried to solve the problem? redownload the game run it as adminastor f2 and type clearmaps nothing worked Description and Message so as i said i don't see the sleep emote on the headbutt trees and i know its the right trees and that its been 24 hours someone told me its because my maps didn't download anyway i can make my maps download?
  10. dunsparce dont have an evolution he stay a dunsparce forever :Frown:
  11. yours sound nice how much you want for it?
  12. i am looking to buy a decent gligar or gliscor if you sell one pls leave a comment
  13. i am looking to buy literly any dragonair dragonite or staraptor from kanto paying good leave a comment if you selling
  14. hey I am looking to buy Electrizer if you sell it pls say price
  15. hey I am looking to buy a decent swinub for 5k to the max of 12k
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