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  1. I have a problem with the quest for alakazite, I have a dugtrio with arena trap and a pokemon with 31 ivs in my team, I talk to the guy but he doesn't let me go on can you help me?
  2. Reji88

    Battle tower

  3. Reji88

    Battle tower

  4. given the addition of mega evolutions I suggest putting the animations of the mega evolutions of the opposing trainers in the battle tower since they are missing
  5. I liked the fact that the chat in the battles was included in the game but it does not solve a thing, those who play competitive even at a professional level know well that it is important to know how many turns you have of certain battle conditions (hail, tricks room, tailwind, sandstorm, etc ...), my suggestion is to do something similar to chat but only for those conditions in order to better understand how many turns are missing for you for the opponent, unfortunately it happens to be able to lose games because 'These things are not well known even for a single round who does competitive know it well, another thing for the future it would be nice to see the double fights that bring many ways to create different teams and in which people would have more fun
  6. when you are online tell me
  7. I m online
  8. Buy insta 3 m
  9. Start bro
  10. i had the same problem too, i caught darkrai and i was not given any reroll ticket
  11. I would like to propose a unique npc with the aim of being able to change the form to the legendary event pokemon, I understand there are people who like the event form and those who like the original form, with volcanion for now you can not get the original form and I hope you can change its shape
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