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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. starting price lowered to 3.5m
  2. Gal1leo#0056 c.o 2.4m insta 4m min offer 200k Auction will last for 48 hours after the starting offer is met. Accepted Tender CC - 420k RR - 740k
  3. Auction won by Blaggy1212
  4. Starting offer 4m, insta 6m, min raise 100k. Auction will begin when starting offer is met and will last 48 hours. Accepted Tender CC- 400K RR-750K NRR- 350K
  5. Hi, my friend and I didn't get our mysterious tickets from last month as our guild did not meet the 20 ticket requirement for guild island, others did receive their tickets submitted back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Auction won by @NotAPokemonFan
  7. 1 hour remaining
  8. 2.5 hours remaining
  9. 6 hours remaining
  10. 1m by Gabriel10hdz
  11. 8 hours remaining
  12. 700k by notapokemonfan
  13. If you like jazz you're gonna love this epic 20+ Bold Togekiss Auction scheduled to end 19:30 (GMT +0) on 26/10/20 (4 hours remain) Starting offer 500K, min raise 100k and insta price is set at 6m, auction will begin after the first bid and will last 24 hours, if a bid is made in the last 15 minutes of the auction, the auction will be extended 15 minutes until there are no more bids. Accepted Tender CC 400K RR 750K NRR 350K BMS 170K
  14. bump, new pokemon added
  15. volca sold to daethwish, 180k (guild discount)
  16. bump, shop updated
  17. pink karp sold
  18. bump, new pokemon added
  19. new pokemon added
  20. HP ICE TRICK ROOM CANDLE SOLD and negotiated down to 2 coin capsules, from 800k.
  21. bump, new pokemon added
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