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Everything posted by Gal1leo

  1. i accidently pressed no when I got my new ivs on my manaphy, is was wondering if any staff could reverse this to the ivs I should have got, it would be greatly appreciated. the reroll happened at 05:47 uk time and the ivs were as follows: atk - 28 def - 21 spd - 23 sp atk - 21 sp def - 30 hp - 27 hp - ghost i took the picture on my phone but it wont let me upload it
  2. @SiMelli you won auction
  3. Auction ended. 700k by simelli.
  4. C.o 700k by simelli 5 hours remaining 950k insta
  5. C.o 650k by partha69 22 hours remaining
  6. Current offer 600k by @karthik007 34 hours remaining
  7. c.o 550k by intaz
  8. c.o 500k by Partha69
  9. 400k bid by bdfahim.
  10. Auction ended, won by Simelli 700k
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