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Everything posted by Yuu3

  1. Dorkmesh has insta porygon Auction porygon end bid. Thanks you everyone has bid. See you later
  2. tks you has bid
  3. S.o : 200k Min bid : 20k Insta : 1,5m Duration : 36h after frist bid Rules: Fake Offers Will be reported Once you offer its final make sure you have the money before the purchase Accepted Currency: Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Nature Reroll Tickets: 350k
  4. I'm start bid Ninetales-alolan 800k
  5. Delevel request: In-game name: Yuu3 Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 48118915 could you please de-evol down to 98? Because i want evolve Gallade. Please help me. Thank you so much
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