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Posts posted by Nech

  1. In-Game Name: Nech

    Discord Tag: Nech#2229

    Server: Silver

    How often do you use Discord? Only when someone tags me or there's some free stuff to win :D

    What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? I'd add some more channel about the game itself as "general" chat is huge and can be overwhelming for new users. Maybe if there were more channels there would form smaller communities around them.

  2. I like this idea, but I think it should reset quarterly, or maybe the points would decline over time? I feel like the bigger and more active guilds would quickly run out of benefits to achieve through this. The rewards could also be leveled, but randomized, for example lvl 1 could be 10 items of around 500$ worth, then lvl 10 would be random tier 8 poke so it isn't the same for everyone. The idea itself is great but the implementation could be better.

  3. Those are great suggestions, I'd just add one thing: labels that we can create and name, possibly color-coded, so that I can create labels for sync, physical sweepers, special sweepers, tanks, pve pokes, utility pokes like false swipers etc and filter all boxes by those labels - that'd be a very cool feature to have.

    • Like 3
  4. Where are you from?: Poland

    How old are you?: 25

    How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: almost 600h

    Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: a lot of new content, I really like that

    Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: all the guys on help chat, if I'd have to name one it'd be Highrise

    If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: oooh so hard to pick something, probably general user experience - for example the quick travel is massively different in all regions, in kanto and hoenn towns are chronological(ordered by story), in johto and sinnoh alphabetical, in some regions there are 5 choices, in others 6, in hoenn 6 is next, in sinnoh it's exit xD for a keyboard user it's such a pain, I always click something different that I want, also some headbutting trees pick a headbutting poke, others don't - it would be great if they all did. Those(and a few others) are some really minor things that would make a really huge difference for me.

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