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  1. well, I'm here to help new players, they have been warned. No, I am not hoping to get help to recover an account. If this happens once, it is more than likely to happen twice. So at this point, I am not looking for details anymore after wasting some hours on this game and some hours to the game's representative. @digomenezes, you are just acting like those admins, no wonder you can last this long in the server or maybe you have money they wanted :) Mr. "donator" xd I am actually glad that you guys banned one of my friend this early on, I would feel worse if I'm 500 hrs into the game or actually spent money on this. thanks. im just saying, some of yall sucks.
  2. well, you just fell in the exact same pit the those "staff" fall into. yes, I should be banned IF AND ONLY IF I actually violate the rule. If I did hack do you think I will be here complaining about it? no. I just feel like we should have a better environment for those who get reported by their buggy software to redeem themself. Instead of a very aggressive staff that forces you to admit to stuff that you didn't do. like someone like me who can control their emotion while facing a series of accusations with no proof provided. Apparently their staff is capable of being very disrespectful and cannot take the same treatment. quote "There is indisputable evidence of you cheater, are you denying this", "evidence shows that you are cheating, we only give the honest player a second chance" those EXACT lines they said, and they first assume the player is at fault and come off like that. My reply"if you can show me what the evidence are, i can try to explain what it is or look for it", their responds "we are not here to prove you re innocent, there is evidence, and only honest player gets a seconds chance" if I assume your claims are true, I cannot imagen what they are back then.
  3. You know, admin/staff are running around abusing their power. just ban people saying ARE YOU DENYING/YOU HAVE TO BE HONEST/WE HAVE EVIDENCE. while not actually showing anything. It does be nice if we can get some ________ staff out of sight, then I can finally play the game without fear the someone comes along and like. BAN! we have evidence, now tell me what, how, and where you cheated? I Qed EIGHT threads just to get someone point at me and like ADMIT YOUR FAULT for stuff I didn't do. they are just very aggressive, not here to solve an issue.
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