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  1. I guess,I misunderstood the words my apologies to @Incandescent thanks for your support and guidance here.And thanks to @Mainvijay for making the words clear.
  2. Hello @Incandescent- I m not getting your point as I had not forced anyone to bid on any pokes how could you post such harsh words on my trade platform and secondly I should be the one to complain about that player @Boomsmoke who bided and still offline in game as you can see above in the shop he message 150k for that shiny natu ,so what am I suppose to do here, read above he message here first ,just above your message.And I will not add any items list here . Thanks for your guidance pls look over the issues.
  3. Frozen Shop Welcome to our Super Poke Shop Alternate Payment Methods coin capsule = 380k IVs RR = 500k Nature RR = 250k Auction pokemon link- SHINY POKEMON (on)- Pinken pokemon (on)- Event pokemon (on)- fully trained pokemon- untrained pokemon- boss pokemon- contact :- freeezeee _ Thank you for shopping come again!
  4. Sold to scarrlett in 200k
  5. Sorry @Scarrlett time is up for bid ; Crobat sold to @Merge in 50k(pm to trade when I m online in game) Thnks all for bidding!!!
  6. 18 hrs left
  7. Sold to foxygen // price =3.25 mil Thank you all for bidding!!!
  8. 1 hour left
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