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Everything posted by Vaidat357159

  1. magnezone c.o 600k by @HusainPdod 1 day left
  2. Insta by masterbroccoli Ty for bid Closed
  3. Starting: 2.5m Instant Win: 5m Chespin / Chesnaught Impish Bulletproof 1. Min increments 100k. 2. I will not & cannot cancel after 4m. 3. Auction will last 7 days after first offer.
  4. I will buy azumarill can u pm me ingame ?
  5. sold weavile to gunners
  6. WTS some pokes Pm here or ingame Weavile insta 800k - sold Conkeldurr insta 400k Excadrill insta 350k Sold Can trade with Azumarill 31x31 or Dragonite ada 31spd
  7. Starting Offer : 1m Current Offer : N/A Instant Win: 2m 1. Min increments 100k. 2. Auction will last 1 day after first offer. Bidding here or PM ingame Ty !
  8. Current Offer: 750k Angel0fRage Instant Win: 1m Jolly Rough Skin Garchomp 1. Min increments 100k. 2. I will not & cannot cancel after 500k. 3. Auction will last 1 day after first offer.
  9. I will start aution with your c.o 750k end in 24 hours Ty
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