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Everything posted by Diabo123

  1. Re: Diabo123's Shop insta only <t>Bumpppp</t>
  2. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <t>Bumppp</t>
  3. Re: Insta Shop [Axew,Eevee] ♫♪World Market]†♫ <t>That's a good way of selling imho</t>
  4. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <t>^^ Bumpp</t>
  5. I'll start with 400k
  6. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <t>Bump and update</t>
  7. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <r><QUOTE author="SebastianK"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh thought that you wanted to insta it nvm, well we can talk here in pm on the forum aswell, i dont play often but when I do I'll try to add you</r>
  8. Re: Xpyro's poke shop : pvp / trash / shiny and more ! <t>I'd like to insta the azumarill</t>
  9. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <t>Ok, im holding it for you then,let me know when you can trade mate</t>
  10. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Little update 25/06 <t>Bump. Im very busy in these days so I'l log in only for trades, if you want to buy something tell me when you are free in pm, thanks</t>
  11. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <t>Up and a small update (6/7 pokemons more in the list)</t>
  12. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <r><QUOTE author="jaychou1801"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unfortunaly I sell the pokemon like he is, i'll add you in game so we can talk about that. <br/> Have a good day</r>
  13. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <t>Bumpp.</t>
  14. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <r><QUOTE author="Reaper99"><s> </e></QUOTE> Pm for you mate</r>
  15. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <t>Bump, sold some pokes and need 2 sell some others. I'll update the topic later maybe</t>
  16. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <t>Im online from now on, so add me in game as soon as you play (I tried already but you're offline)</t>
  17. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <r><QUOTE author="JackieLife"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll be online in 2/3 hours mate</r>
  18. Welcome, Easy rules: 1) The prices are fixed and I sell ONLY for insta,but feel free to PM me for more info. 2) If you can't buy some pokes because you're stuck in some region dont worry, you can buy it as soon as you finish the story and we will accord for conclude the trading later. Just don't withdraw your offerts once you bought a pokemon, please! 3) I have no problems to come to you for the trade if the amount is 100k or more 4) I'll consider trades for other pokes Epic Machops or evos Slowpokes or evos with regen Scyther ada tech Cleffs Carps Talon gale wings Everything else that I don't need Sold
  19. Don't worry mate ^^ That's a rude and unnecessary comment in a selling topic, and my PMs can already prove you wrong. But thanks for the goodluck I appreciate it. Have a good day Sold insta in game
  20. Hello guys I'll sell this torchic If you can't trade because you're stuck in some region due to the story I'll wait you so dont worry about that, just dont withdraw your offert, please. SOLD INSTA Start is 300k Min bid raise 30k Auction ends 19/06/16 at 6pm Gl to everyone
  21. Ye happened the same to me it gets bugged when you do roleplay sometimes
  22. Well as I can read the auction should end at 10:03 pm of the forum and you offered 1,7m at 8:02pm, so I dont think you won it anyway (maybe I'm wrong)
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