1. Over 16 years old: Yes, my age is 25
2. Hours of play to 100 or more: Yes, I have more than 100 hours of play
3. Able to use Discord, most importantly: - https://discord.gg/XRnzCF
Yes I use discord
4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case they kicked you out, then why ?:
It would be the first time that I entered a guild.
5. Have you ever been banned from PRO and why? :
No, they didn't ban me.
6. Aside from having fun playing, what are your goals in PRO? : -
Be the best and get into pvp first
7. How old are you and, in addition to English, what languages do you speak?
I'm 25 years old. I know English and Spanish.
8. Provide a screenshot of your coach card. : -
Here you have