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  1. When I went to speak to assistant Theodor about Houndoominite, he instead started speaking about Aggronite [ATTACH type=full" alt="173899]173899[/ATTACH]
  2. Hello @Maisa, I apologise for the late reply. I was hunting for a Houndour (levels 22-26) on route 7. My front pokémon was a fainted Baltoy at level 21, and a level 37 Natu was second in my party. I started around 9pm (in game time) and the repel trick was working normally until around 11pm. I was then unable to find any pokémon using the method until around 4am when I gave up searching.
  3. I have been doing the repel trick for the last hour or so and it was working normally at first but then it randomly stopped working. Since about 5:20am (GMT+1) I have not found a single pokémon through this method, despite there being no change in the time or the way I have been doing it.
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