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Everything posted by Cerrets

  1. Hey yo guys, nice to meet you! I am Davide, 28 y.o. this August, from Italy. I remember trying PRO a couple years ago, completed the Kanto region, but I sure wouldn't define me as a PRO or Pokémon master. But... I'm willing to learn! And since it's boring doing it by yourself, I thought it could be nice to join a guild. I am currently on a new account and started on Silver server, but it would make little to no difference for me to restart on the Gold one. Ah, my favorite Pokémon is Tyranitar and my fave game from the series is Pokémon Silver (but I love all the old school I-II gen). Italian or International guilds, I don't care, as long as you can stand my newbieness (at least at the beginning!). So... let me know! Cheers, Davide
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