● What's your Name/IGN?
My name is Phoenix. I have multiple accounts I play on atm my main account is "JhinHub" my other accounts are "EpitomeOfSalt" and "NuklearZer0"
● How old are you?
● Are you active in Discord?
● Where are you from?
Alberta, Canada
● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?
JhinHub : 108 hours
EpitomeOfSalt : 91 hours
NuklearZer0 : 145 hours
(I have even more hours on gold but im sticking with silver for now)
● What's your goal in PRO?
To learn how to pvp/build a comp. Learning general everything about the game
● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?
Have heard its a good guild and hopefully to be an active member and make an impact.
● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?
Hydreigon, Its a 3 headed dragon! why the hell not? lol
● What's your favorite animal and why?
My little leopard gecko because shes chill and is fun to be with.
**I know my main account(JhinHub) doesn't meet the hour requirement, but I plan to be at the requirement on this account within the end of the month. I hope with all my hours combined you guys will take an interest in me!**
If you got this far, thanks!