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  1. Sawakipat

    Rare Hunters

    hello Rare Hunters i want to join the guild am suggested by boubye my name in game Sawakipat thx :Cool:
  2. so try this start+r press regedit find Pokemon Revolution folder scroll down find Screenmanager Resolution Width and Height set to max u resolution (set with Decimal) try run game just fine
  3. how to setup resolution without run game? somebody has know ?
  4. i guess that's problem resolution same too before i play in max resolution just work fine now i change it open game( bang bang ) blue screen
  5. what u play in resolution and fullscreen or window mode ?
  6. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5332 <<< i try so hard everything not work for me before Current version just work fine what's going on
  7. i same here blue screen TT window 10
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