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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Novità ragazzi? Giocate ancora?
  2. PRO Username: goldrake Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I just fight with him for the first time in Boss Mode What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing Description and Message I can't see Koichi in Saffron Dojo. He disappeared. I fight with him just 1 time.
  3. I've the same problem everytime when open the bag, (only the first time) I need to wait 30-60 seconds. Maybe depends to have many items in bag and need time to loading.
  4. Merry Xmas :y:
  5. A guild bank is a good idea, the guild members can deposit moneys, pokemon or items but only Guild leader or Sub Leader can take from the bank. The guild town or a guild room maybe could add in game in future..
  6. Hi I'd suggest some changes for the guild system: -Sub Leader -Guild left button -Join guild button -Search guild button -75 or 100 guild slots It would be very useful to add a Sub leader for recruitment. A guild leader can be offine for a long time and none of the guild members can add new members, a Guild leader should nominate 2-3 Sub Leader in game. -I think a person should have the possibility to left from a guild without asking or waiting the reply from the guild leader. -Sometimes is it hard to find the guild leader online so it would be useful to have a Join guild button, so the people can join in a guild (the guild leader will see the pending requests and decide who accept or refuse). -To search easily a guild looking the Guild List (with members number) a search button it would be useful. -For Last some guilds are big and need more slots.
  7. Per tutti quelli che attendono di essere gildati dovete pazientare un pò perchè solo il capo gilda può gildare, tra la difficoltà di loggare nel server e i suoi impegni lo si vede poco. Cmq voi provate ad aggiungerlo negli amici nel gioco: MrBrownstone. Se è online vi risponderà e sarete gildati.
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [Christmas Guardian ELF !!!!] <t>At saffron city in the dojo there is a new boss fight.</t>
  9. Hi I went to lake of rage, the pokedex shows pokemon in this area but there isn't a place to catch pokemons, only magikarp in the water.
  10. Si, il logo sopra la testa e la chat. Al momento non ci sono altre funzioni, più avanti si.
  11. PRO Username: goldrake Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message I was playing, I challenged the Pumpking and I won, I get shuckle. After 5 minutes the server crashes and I lost all my progress and shuckle too..
  12. Hi actually the color name of the xmas pokemon is default color. I think it would be better to change it (like the shinies), for example with Blue or Red:
  13. Np Karma. If I can give you an advise in your first post put the best current offer and the instant, so the people can know how much they've to offer.
  14. I updated guys, the blank trade worked in alpha, so no more work you need to give the pokemon to another.
  15. Re: Christmas Pokemon Images (WIP) <t>Stantler it's the same of the original...</t>
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