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Everything posted by Klowns

  1. Auction for goodra is over. Nayeonblue pls contact me @klown on discord to lmk when u can trade
  2. Noted. Goodra auction officially ends in 24 hrs
  3. s/o: 400k min: 50k insta: 800k s/o: 500k min: 50k insta 1m Both end 24 hrs after first bids
  4. Start Offer: 600k Min Bid: 50k Insta: 2 M Auction ends 48 hrs after first bid
  5. s.o. 200k min bid. 25k 24hrs after first bid
  6. Thank you for hosting this giveaway! My favorite summer memory is last year when my city hosted a city-wide mural festival that invited muralists from all over the world. I had the wondrous honor of being a muraling assistant, allowing me to work side by side with artists I have looked up to ever since I started art in 2012! Some artists include Alexis Diaz and Jillian Evelyn. It was absolutely inspiring getting to see them in their process, especially since muraling is something I want to pursue later in life. I would show up in the early morning and work with them til like 7pm using lifts or just sitting on the concrete. I actually ended up getting tendonitis on my right elbow because I did not pay attention to how much I was straining it from painting! I can send you pics of the event if you'd like :)
  7. Opening this shop for anyone needing a Pokemon with Synchronize ability. Please pm in-game @klowns, but replying here is fine too but you will get slower response. Feel free to bump this thread if satisfied with service. (Usually am in Veridian) Natures Available: Natu (10k): -Adamant -Lax -Careful -Brave -Naughty -Sassy -Calm -Modest -Bold -Mild -Jolly -Quiet -Relaxed -Naive -Impish
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