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  1. just make an offer and if it's not like waaaaaay too low you will probably get it :)
  2. i want to buy it for 250k. is it still available?
  3. I was trying for over 3 hours to catch the best possible Slowpoke for my team and now i got a lot of Slowpokes that i 'm willing to sell for a low price. In total i caught over 250 Slowpokes and these are the best 11. The slowpokes and their stats can be seen in this image: I created this spreadsheet to determine which one i will use. Just tell me which one you want and you will probably get them for a fair (low) price.
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <r><QUOTE author="Rachneras"><s> </e></QUOTE> Nope, this is false, got Silver Disc off of chosing Pokemon 2<e> </e></QUOTE> and i got cacnea while chosing pokemon 1</r>
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