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About Triplomax

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. my pokemon is locked because the player didn't switch to sinnoh map please help ( silver server)
  2. S.o 1.5m Min bid 200k cc : 380 k rr : 720 k İnsta 3m 1 day left
  3. S.o = 4m Min Bid = 250 k CC = 380 k İV Reroll = 730 k İnsta = 8m Last 24 h
  4. its bold . and good def ivs + hp fire . Are you kidding me ?
  5. S.O = 2M Min Bid = 250 K CC = 400 K Time = 24 Hours After First Bid İnsta = 5M
  6. B.O = 3.5m for delatorre334 5 h left
  7. S.O = 2M Min Bid = 500 k İnsta = 6M CC=400 K İVR= 700K Last 24 H
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