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  1. well it can't be helped , but pls Check again because my legendary pokemon ivs were not changed at all , but thank you for your efforts looking into my issue but pls double check as I wanted to change the nature and ivs of my lunala
  2. received and used but my Pokemons ivs didn't change at all
  3. I have not swapped the servers
  4. I just checked my one locked ivs are also not showing , I haven't used it on my any legendary but itts still gone
  5. then what about the normal one they were in my bag also I didn't know the difference b/w one IV locked and normal that's why I didn't tell , the normal ones were not in the bags when I lasted I talked to Psychic it was in my bag , I didn't use it and when I log out and came back it was gone
  6. One IV locked reroll tickets and I did not use it on lord bidoof or any psychic marina , if possible pls do something quick
  7. I had completed 2 bidoof wq and also had gotten the rewards and I was going to use my reroll tickets right now but it disappeared so I wanna know whether it is a glitch or the time ran out
  8. Name - Tameplane849 No. Of hours played - 300 hrs Fav poke - Greninja Why u play - For enjoyment and relaxation
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