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About Littleoleg

  • Birthday 12/28/2001

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  1. Hello Electrocute! Thank you for sharing this information! I did not know about the possibility of checking it in Discord. But still, as you said, It should also be an in-game function! Reasoning: A lot of players do not have or use Discord (including me, I own Discord but I really dislike it.)
  2. -1 Nurse Joy is just a classic part of any Pokemon game. Rendering her useless would remove a bit of the true Pokemon feeling Also, as mentioned before, not everybody wants to heal his pokes for several reasons.
  3. Hello everybody! A tiny quality of life suggestion here! Right now, you can see if your MS is active or not by looking at either the red star or into your Trainer-Card. I would really love a feature which allows you to check for how long your MS will be active. Why is this a useful thing? 1. It allows you to organize your actions based on the remaining time of your MS. Example: "I have 2 goals I gotta complete!" I have to level up all of my magikarps to 100! (Easier with MS, because more XP) I wanna finish the story! (MS doesnt matter for the story) ........"Oh no! My MS runs out in 2 days! That means I won´t spend time completing the story in the next 2 days. Instead I´ll use the remaining time of my MS to level up all of my Magikarps!" Obviously, somebody who will just renew MS doesn´t have a problem like this. But Im sure that some people (including me) won´t buy MS all the time, for different reasons (money, not enough time to play a lot, and so on...) 2. You can plan your expenses easier. Example: "I should not waste my spare 7 Euros for now, cause my MS runs out in 4 days. I should save 5 euros so I can renew my MS in 4 days." This could be done in 2 ways, both have advantages and disadvantages. 1. Displaying the day+time of the moment when MS ends. For example: *User types* /ms *server responds* "Your membership status will run out on 03.04.2021, 21:46" Advantage: You don´t have to calculate the date and time of the deadline. Disadvantage: EU and US Folks use different formats for displaying the date. My example is common for EU, US people might be confused cause they use MONTH/DAY/YEAR instead of DAY.MONTH.YEAR. 2. Displaying the time left until MS runs out. For example: *User types* /ms *server responds* "Your membership status will run out in 2days, 17hours and 11minutes" Advantage: It does not matter if the user is from the US or from the EU. You simply see the time until it runs out. Disadvantage: If you wanna know the date of ending, you gotta calculate first. (runs out in 17 days and 22 hours, today is the 20th of December, means it runs out on the.... wait! Does December have 30 or 31 days??? *Smoke coming from brain*) Alternatively, you could still put both information into 1 command, but that would leave us with a lot of text, which can be confusing in my opinion! Thank you for reading this, I would love to hear your positive and negative thoughts on this topic. See you all in game!
  4. +1 Playing on a Xiaomi Mi Max 3 with 6.9 inches screen. Clicking on things is really a pain sometimes.
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