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Everything posted by Creato

  1. Auction has ended, the winner being Szoboszlai with a bid of 2.1m, congrats! This concludes the auction, thank you everyone for participating, this post can now be closed.
  2. Bump! - 12 mins until auction end.
  3. Starting offer has been noted, auction ends in 24 hours @ 23:13 GMT on the 10/01/2023.
  4. Starting Offer: 1m Min Bid: 100k Insta: 6m Current: 2.1m Auction ends 24 hrs after first bid, good luck have fun!
  5. This concludes the auction, thank you everyone for participating, this post can now be closed.
  6. Great, message me in-game on creato, or on discord creator#0191.
  7. Auction has ended with larayli activating insta! Congrats, are you available now to collect it?
  8. No sorry, it would be unfair to start accepting cc without it being mentioned at the start.
  9. Starting offer has been noted, auction ends in 48 hours @ 17:07 GMT+1 on the 17/06/2022.
  10. Starting Offer: 2m Min Bid: 200k Insta: 12m Current: Sold for Insta. Auction ends 48 hrs after first bid, good luck have fun!
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