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Neatdude's Achievements



  1. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <t>how much would a normal arcanine mount cost me ? I want one but I only have around 45k</t>
  2. Re: Sell Very Epic Jolly Weavile 31 atk 30 spd full evs! <r>congrats to the buyer <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. welcome random player lmao :Heart:
  4. welcome man :Angel:
  5. welcome :Heart:
  6. paws up ? are you a little monster ? lol
  7. welcome vack :Heart:
  8. Re: Twitch Streaming <t>jk I'll put your notifications on as soon as I log into my twitch account</t>
  9. Re: Twitch Streaming <t>I'll come if you do a giveaway lol</t>
  10. Re: Celdadon Daily Quest Guide <t>thanks</t>
  11. I had that happen to me and after a minute I was logged in I just keep the game in the background and once the usual music stops and the in game music starts starts I know I'm logged in
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