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Everything posted by Phuocnguyen

  1. Re: Pilsen Market - Godly Pokes Inside <t>is Leafeon still available , bro ? if it is , will you take offer with 800k ?</t>
  2. Need to take a break to take care some business in real life. Will be back soon !
  3. Sold Staraptor for phamphongbsn
  4. Sold Rhyperior and lending 250k due to some circumstances
  5. I'm so sorry, sir. I have been removed wrong image :confused: and thanks for reminding me ... lol :Heart:
  6. For Rhyperior, end time will be around some hours left
  7. For Staraptor , end time will be around 1 day and some hours :Shy:
  8. Sableye 2 days count down
  9. Sold Cloyster to Phamphongbsn.
  10. Due to some circumstance, i will auction it on trade now for about 1 hour, just come to game when you are online , sir
  11. As you are aware that the first offer was at 23/11 12:09 pm so the end time should be around that. The time i post is just an estimate , sir
  12. bump . 6 hours left on Cloyster
  13. Discount Azumarill and sold it to guildies
  14. Staraptor 2 days and Cloyster 1 days remaining
  15. decrease waiting time from 3 days to 2 days
  16. 1 days remaining for cloyster and 2 days remaining for Staraptor
  17. Read everything before commenting , sir
  18. Sold Kabutops for insta price
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