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Everything posted by Phuocnguyen

  1. [glow=red]Hello everyone, i'm phuocnguyen[/glow] [glow=red]I'm starting this post to organize my sales, feel free to look around and offer prices. :Cool:[/glow] [glow=blue]Look at the rules before offering your prices.[/glow] [glow=red]Closed for the time being ![/glow]
  2. Close the topic please !
  3. Updated . Around 6 hours left
  4. Updated . Around 1 day left
  5. UPDATED : 2 days left ( i got a bit busy so maybe the time didn't correct )
  6. Will be end in 3 days starting now :Heart:
  7. As the subject said , i want to sell this baby. Start : 1m Insta : 5m Auction will be ended in 3 days after someone start with or more than 1m :Grin: Cheers and happy auction. :Cool: Edited : To all customer, fake offer will be reported. Thank you !
  8. Message you . Check it
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