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  1. Wtb Epic-Godly Ada Honedge or evo and Naive Gible or evo. High budget so just drop what u have.
  2. Hello. Can i suggest to you guys to at least put sparkling on a valentines salamence mount just like the valentines ninetails mount when moving? Its worth 750 pve but it only looks like a normal mount. I think it will looks so special if you make the sparkling a red heart shaped. I think more players will avail this mount if you do. Thank you.
  3. Ow! Thank you so much.
  4. Hello. Im trying to evolve my female glalie but the dawn stone is not working. What should i do? TIA.
  5. Start pelipper
  6. New offer 450k
  7. @amarendra noted
  8. New offer 350k
  9. New offer 300k
  10. @joppyjoopz 250k
  11. @masterofpuppets noted
  12. .
  13. WTB Epic-Godly Timid Magnet Pull HP-Fire Magnemite oe Evo. Huge Budget Guys. Just Drop What You Have and Price.
  14. Ow! Thank you so much..
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