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Everything posted by Thekingofcorn

  1. Wait... How long have you been there ? XD Browsing 9GAG on your toilet is definitely not a good idea if you wanna be "PROductive". :v What do you mean how long? Ive been in the discord chat for about a week
  2. The Toilet Kick I was going to play pro today and i got in the lobby which was 1300 people long and i stayed in a long time, but i am a human and i had to take a toilet break... When i came back i saw i finally had gotten logged in and i got so happy and sat down in my chair and BOOP i got kicked for inactivity .-. soo as frustrated as i was i went to discord and sent a message with an N and about 20 O's. :Cry: I dont know why i did this, i guess i was just very bored of waiting to play PRO. And i got instantly kicked from the discord server for spam 3: :Shocked: Id like to say im sorry for the mini spam and i wanna get back in to our beautiful discord chat with UO memes and nice people :D. Im very sorry, please take me back xS :D:
  3. Thank you so much for the reply :thanks: :Heart-eyes:
  4. As your post count rises, you'll be able to access more of the forums. I'd recommend introducing yourself in the Player Introduction forum and replying to a few posts there as well. Good luck! Allright thank you ^^ :thanks:
  5. Hello i cant enter my own InGame name here on the forums and i have to use KingofCorn instead of TheKingofCorn and idk if that could be easily fixed. Also how do i get a profile icon for the forums? Thank you :Crazy: :thanks: !
  6. I am not sure how to post stuff here on the forum but i cant see some and its annoying XD how do i fix this?
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