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About Ezerelon

  • Birthday 07/12/1996

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  1. Because you need to make 2 Posts in thhe Forum, after posting 2 senseful Posts you are able to upload your Avatar.
  2. Thats for the warmly welcome. :D I will need all the luck for the E4! :D
  3. Hello and Welcome Wobbles. :Heart:
  4. Hello everyone! My Name is Ezerelon (you can call me Ez Too) and I'm a huge Pokemon Fan since I was a kid! I'm 19 Years Old and I've played nearly every Pokemon Game. My favorite Pokemon so far is Gengar and I think his mega Evolution looks kinda funny and Ghost types are simply badass. I'm one of those persons who is loafing around the whole Island the whole Day with minimized Progress in everything because I stuck at Jotho E4. I'm not a good PvP Player and either I'm not a good Pokemon Breeder/EV-Trainer, I play Pokemon because of Fun and this Game is beatable without having much Drama with "How you have to train your Pokemon right." and thats why PRO is literally perfect for me. I like the Community and the Queue Time is not that bad, everyone wants to play! :D Thats so far from me. Wish you all great luck in your Journeys. <3
  5. The most things that I found on trees are Oran Berries or Wild Pokemon, otherwise i get nothing. Really rarely a sitrus or leppa berry. ._.
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