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Everything posted by Ak1a

  1. Ak1a

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1.) IGN: ak1a 2.) Number of hours played: 1.3k+ hours 3.) Favorite pokemon: Scizor 4.) What do I enjoy most in PRO: Hunting, PVE, and PVP 5.) Age: 24
  2. Ak1a

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1.) IGN: ak1a 2.) Number of hours played: 1.3k+ hours 3.) Favorite pokemon: Scizor 4.) What do I enjoy most in PRO: Hunting, PVE, and PVP 5.) Age: 24
  3. Ak1a

    Eternity guild

    Hello! I would like to apply to your guild. My real name is Kia Kato, 24 years old. IGN: ak1a. I currently have a 56 random pvp rating. My reason for applying is because your guild seems so fun and I wanna learn more about pro pvp ^^ Discord tag: Aqua#5778
  4. Hey after i defeated horon without fainting my pokemons, he didnt give me a rapidash mount.
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